class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # With great data come great pipelines: ## Creating flexible standardized pipelines for common
biomedical analysis tasks using Snakemake ### Michael Geuenich ### Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute ### 2022/02/24 --- class: black-out # Biomedical research questions My work is focussed on cancer-immune relationship -- .pull-left[ <img src="figures/cancer-t-cells.png" width="500" height="330" /> ] -- .pull-right[ ## Specific biomedical questions of interest - How many immune cells are present in a cancer biopsy? - What states are the cancer and immune cells in? - What type of variability exists in cancer cells upon perturbation (e.g. chemotherapy treatment)? ] --- # Exponential increase in sequencing available .pull-left[ <img src="figures/falling-fast-nature.png" width="500" /> ``` Source: ``` ] ??? Moores law = # of transistors on an integrated circuit doubled every other year -- .pull-right[ ### Publicly deposited sequence data (TB) <img src="figures/Sra_growth.png" width="700" /> ``` Source: ncbiinsights ``` ] -- ### Datasets of this magnitude require robust processing and analysis pipelines --- # How not to do reproducible research .oneThirdsPullLeft[ <img src="figures/CR-robot.png" width="300" /> ``` Handling robot. Source: ``` ] .twoThirdsPullRight[ Obtained ~1,000 sequencing samples from diverse cancer models using this robot. {{content}} ] -- - Submitting data cleaning jobs manually. {{content}} -- ``` for f in data/exp1/*; do sbatch --wrap="command param1 ..."; done ``` {{content}} ??? - Five months later you will ask "What parameters did I use again?" -- - Re-write code and commands for each new experiment {{content}} -- - Rscripts/functions that accomplished individual tasks, but were not linked to the project {{content}} -- ### Other issues with this approach - Changes in upstream steps (e.g. data processing) do not trigger a re-run of subsequent steps - Code reusability across experiments was poor {{content}} --- # General desirable characteristics of a pipeline - Reproducible - Setting a seed - Relative paths -- - Only write your code once - E.g. re-use the same clustering script changing just the clustering parameters -- - Tie scripts into a single executable workflow - Create a results report at the end -- - Automatically re-run workflow sections if there are upstream changes ``` Download data -> cluster data -> create figure ``` -- - Re-use the same pipeline on different datasets - Could be a complex data processing pipeline -- - Challenge: 99% of the code remains the same, only parameters change ??? I imagine this list holds quite well outside the biomedical domain too --- # Concrete biomedical example in single-cell RNA-Sequencing Single-cell RNA-Sequencing: Sequence individual cells and understand their heterogeneity -- - How many immune cells are present in a cancer biopsy? - What states are the cancer and immune cells in? - What type of variability exists in cancer cells upon perturbation (e.g. chemotherapy treatment)? -- .pull-left[ ### Concrete biomedical example in single-cell RNA-Sequencing 1. Filter out dead and damaged cells - Based on the number of overall reads and percentage of reads from mitochondrial genes - Threshods are very sample dependent: tumour samples have higher % of mitochondrial reads ] ??? Dead and damaged cells depend on sample preparation. Because of technical reasons, dead/damaged cells have a higher proportion of dead cells -- .pull-right[ <img src="figures/mito-detected.png" width="357" height="350" /> ] --- # General analysis pipeline steps .pull-left[ 1. Filter out dead/damaged cells 2. Normalize data {{content}} ] -- 3. Cluster cells {{content}} -- 4. Assign each cluster to cell types based on the expression of certain markers {{content}} -- - Some clusters are impure and contain multiple cell types {{content}} -- - Analysis can be aided by creating scatterplots of specific markers {{content}} -- ## Data dependent parameters 1. number of detected reads & % mitochondrial genes 2. clusters that need re-clustering 3. markers to correlate {{content}} --- # General analysis pipeline steps .pull-left[ 1. Filter out dead/damaged cells 2. Normalize data 3. Cluster cells 4. Assign each cluster to cell types based on the expression of certain markers - Some clusters are impure and contain multiple cell types - Analysis can be aided by creating scatterplots of specific markers ## Data dependent parameters 1. number of detected reads & % mitochondrial genes 2. clusters that need re-clustering 3. markers to correlate ] .pipelineRequirementsBox[ ### Summary of requirements - Reproducible - Create a single executable workflow - Re-run the same script over different samples/parameters - Automatically re-run if there are upstream changes - Reuse the same pipeline despite data-dependent parameter diffences between datasets ] --- # Snakemake introduction **Snakemake is a Python based workflow manager to create reproducible and scalable analyses** -- Snakemake is based on rules: - Each analysis step can be implemented as a human readable snippet -- - Workflows can run on local, cluster or cloud environments without needing to modify the workflow -- ``` rule plot_amazing_figure: input: data = 'output/data/my-processed-data.csv' output: figure = 'figures/my-amazing-figure.pdf' script: 'scripts/make-my-figure.R' ``` -- - Snippets can be tied together to create a complete workflow ??? - Input - Output - What generates it Can list as many input/output files as I like --- # Snakemake introduction .pull-left[ ``` rule all: input: 'output/data/my-processed-data.csv', 'figures/my-amazing-figure.pdf' rule plot_amazing_figure: input: data = 'output/data/my-processed-data.csv' output: figure = 'figures/my-amazing-figure.pdf' script: 'scripts/make-my-figure.R' rule download_my_data: params: website: '' output: csv = 'output/data/my-processed-data.csv' shell: 'curl {} -o {output.csv}' ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="figures/rules.png" width="316" height="400" /> ] --- # Executing the same script over multiple samples/parameters ``` rule all: input: expand('figures/my-amazing-figure-{samples_list}.pdf', samples_list = ['s1', 's2', 's3']) ``` -- ``` rule plot_amazing_figure: input: data = 'output/data/my-processed-data-{samples_list}.csv' output: figure = 'figures/my-amazing-figure-{samples_list}.pdf' script: 'scripts/make-my-figure.R' rule download_my_data: params: website: '{samples_list}.csv' output: csv = 'output/data/my-processed-data-{samples_list}.csv' shell: 'curl {} -o {output.csv}' ``` ??? Snakemake will also re-run the sample if there have been changes upstream. Example, say I download my data again, then plotting would run again too If the output of a rule is not specified in rule all, the rule itself will not cause any errors but will also not run --- # Configuration & conditional rule execution - A configuration file can easily be added to each Snakefile ``` configfile: 'config.yaml' ``` -- Good place to keep: - File paths to data/software binaries - Data filtering parameters -- ## Conditional rule execution .pull-left[ ``` checkpoint gene_expression_in_clusters: input: "output/{cluster}.txt" params: config['cluster_parameter'] output: "figures/gene1_expression_in_{cluster}.png" script: "plotGeneExpression.R" ``` ] -- .pull-right[ - Useful when the output is data-dependent and can only be determined after other parts of the workflow have completed - E.g. Plotting the expression of a gene in all clusters {{content}} ] -- - **Does not work when subsequent results depend on _manual_ inspection of plots** --- class: conditionalRule-code # Conditional rule execution How can we build pipelines that can be reused (e.g. to process a dataset) when steps are 1. data dependent and 2. require manual inspection of results to determine next steps -- .oneThirdsPullLeft[ <img src="figures/mito-detected.png" width="357" height="350" /> ] -- ``` configfile: 'my_config.yaml' my_results_dict = { 'downloaded_data': 'output/data/downloaded-data.csv' } ``` -- ``` if config['dead_cells'] is not None: my_results_dict['my_figure'] = 'processed-data.csv' ``` -- ``` rule all: input: my_results_dict.values() ``` -- ``` rule process_data: input: ... ``` --- # Create an HTML report ``` snakemake --report my-amazing-report.html ``` -- <img src="figures/Snakemake-report-home.png" width="2501" /> --- # Snakemake run statistics <img src="figures/Snakemake-report-statistics.png" width="1672" /> --- # Snakemake run config .center[ <img src="figures/Snakemake-report-config.png" width="800" /> ] --- # Rule outputs .center[ <img src="figures/Snakemake-report-rules.png" width="1533" /> ] --- # Summary - Reproducible - Snakemake pipelines can be shared via github -- - Create a single executable workflow - Snakemake ties together individual rules -- - Re-run the same script over different samples/parameters - Can be accomplished with the `expand()` function -- - Automatically re-run if there are upstream changes - Automatically done by Snakemake if files are changed -- - Reuse the same pipeline despite data-dependent parameter differences between datasets - Checkpoints can be used if no human intervention is required - If/else statements can be used to add outputs to `rule all` when parameters must be determined manually --- # Resources Snakemake has support for: - Docker containers - Conda environments - Wrappers for common tools - Log outputs - HPC specifications (e.g. # of threads or memory) Snakemake tutorial: Snakemake documentation: Slides: Contact: